Prepare a good summer fruit basket

Summer in countries like India means constant dehydration and sweaty bodies. As the temperature keeps rising each and every day, one needs to take care of their health because too much heat and sweat can make one ill and tired.

Fruits on the rescue

The crucial thing that one needs to change in summer is what they eat. This is because; diet makes a lot of difference in stomach and overall health. If one can increase their intake of fruits this season then it can be good for health because it can prevent dehydration, skin sensitiveness, vitamin deficiencies and many other things. If some is sending fruit basket gift, they must add some summer fruits that can cool one down.

Summer fruits to try


This is known as the king of the fruits and in summer it is an absolute delight. They are available in every fruit market, during this time of the year and this has a distinctive flavour and smell. At the same time it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Mangoes do have plenty of iron, potassium, Vitamin A, C and D. This fruit has a high level of fibre and pectin as it can reduce the cholesterol level in the body and control the blood pressure level as well. This fruit can also strengthen the immunity system of the body.


It is another delectable tropical fruit which one can have ripe, unripe and even dried. This fruit has a lot of medical advantages. Papaya is very rich in Vitamin A, C and folate. It also contains papain which is an ingredient that can cure indigestion problems. If one has papaya on a daily basis then they can also prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.


When it is summer, then it is definitely a watermelon time. They are the most on demand fruit during summers because more than 90 percent of watermelon is actually water. It is extremely hydrating and so one can choose this as a regular fruit in sultry summer. This fruit also contain Vitamin A, C and B6, dietary fibres, iron and amino acids that can keep the body healthy. Watermelons also contain lycopene which is good for cardiovascular health.


They are round shaped and soft fruits which are a powerhouse of nutrients. They do contain dietary fibre, sorbitrol and isatin which can also give relief to someone who is suffering from digestive issues and constipation. When one consumes this fruit on a daily basis then it can reduce the chance of getting high diabetes and breast cancer. If one wants to do diet, then also one can have plums because they contain only 30 calories.


Guava is a tropical fruit which comes with a lot of health benefits. Guava intake can help one to improve the blood sugar level and reduce the insulin resistance. They contain good amount of potassium and soluble fibre which are great for health. It is great for those who suffer from period cramps and it can reduce the intensity of the pain.For fruit basket gifts, one can easily add these items and send to someone.

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