It is a fact that pest infestations can occur throughout the year. It is very important to implement precautionary measures and eradicate these pests completely from your house. In the initial stage of a pest infestation, you might be tempted to buy sprays and take on the problem yourself. However, hiring a pest control professional will save you time, finances and effort. If you are dealing with a large-scale infestation, hiring a professional is more likely to be effective.
Pest control Geelong is a company that provides pest infestations for mosquitoes, termites and other types of pests at lucrative prices. Whenever you get a pest control treatment done, it is always a good idea to clean your home as it not only eliminates any possibility of incidental contact with the chemicals. It also makes your home less appealing to the pests so they won’t arrive any time soon.
Following are some do’s and don’ts of pest control you should look into-
1. Do take preventive measures
It is true that prevention is better than cure. Adopting preventative measures is the most efficient way to keep the pests at bay. Often, people pay no heed to hygiene and hence it leads to a pest infestation. You should take the below measures to avoid future invasions-
Inspect the drainage systems, pipes and your surroundings for any water resources. Since insects love the places which have ample water and food sources. It is essential to remove the stagnant water in your backyard.
You should seal up any holes or gaps in your walls that could allow insects to enter and exit the place easily.
You should try storing the food in airtight containers to prevent contamination.
It is also recommended to trim the length of your grass in the garden for preventing the pests from hiding in them and also ensure that your home is clean.
2. Don’t keep chemicals in open places
If you have pets in your home, you should make sure that you place the trap in a location that is out of their reach. It is recommended to keep children and pets away from the room that you sprayed with pesticide as it could harm them and prove lethal to their health as they have less resistance power.
3. Do a thorough inspection and identify the problem you are facing
For different types of pests, different types of treatment are taken into consideration. Hence, it is essential to first inspect your home thoroughly and identify the pests you are dealing with. You should decide which measure to take only after identifying them. It is very important to do a thorough inspection first and get to the root of the issue. For successful eradication of pests, one should inspect every nook and corner of the home. The pest control professionals plan out a strategy for the successful eradication of pests and then only start implementing the measures.
4. Do get a professional help
It is always good to volunteer in pest control activities. However, it doesn’t take away from the fact that your knowledge of pests may be limited. Professionals from the pest control companies will help you understand your pest problems better after they inspect your place. You will also learn about how to keep all these pests at bay with their guidance. It is a no-brainer that pests can damage your property and affect the health of your family.
If your home is infested with termites, you can avail the services of Termite Control Geelong which is at the forefront of providing the best pest control services.
Rodents and pests transmit infections and permeate the kitchen areas. The purpose of eradicating any type of pests from your home is to maintain a safe and hygienic environment.
5. Don’t combine removal solutions
You should avoid removing and storing the insect solution in another packaging besides the original cover. If you happen to face any kind of accident, you will know what to do next just by reading and following the instructions of the packaging. It is also recommended to refrain from combining removal solutions as it could have a different effect or chemical reaction which could potentially harm your family members. Mixing two cleaners can produce toxic fumes. If you inhale these fumes, it could cause irritation or burning in the eyes, throat and nose. It could also lead to coughing, lung damage and other harmful circumstances. In unforeseen scenarios, the mixing could happen because of leaking or spills. It could result in reactions that produce hazards. The chemicals which reach to produce heat, pressure when mixed together are incompatible. If dangerous oxygen-free molecules are released in the lungs, your health will be at stake.
6. Do inform your neighbours
Your neighbours live in your close proximity and you should let them know about the pest control service you are availing. It is for their own good.
7. Don’t wait until it’s too late
It is a known fact that a small infestation is easier to control and remove. If you identify an insect invasion when it is still small, it would be a lot easier for you to get rid of the pests. When you see visible signs of a small infestation, you should immediately seek professional help. Waiting till the last moment could lead to a bigger invasion which would be a lot more challenging to handle.
8. Do dispose leftovers
After the professionals have inspected your home and applied fumigants and pesticides, leave it like that for a while and let it settle. However, you should get rid of all the pest removal solutions as they are considered hazardous and they require careful and secure disposal. Hence, you should check the instruction box and dispose of the product and its containers in the safest way possible.
These leftover solutions are a health hazard. People with a low immunity might have an allergic reaction which later on might create a problem for them.
9. Don’t assume all products are eco-friendly
It is a known fact that all pest removal products are not eco-friendly. They could be dangerous to your family and pets if not used properly. Before purchasing any product, always check its contents.
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