In this post i’ll be talking about. How i got first class how i got aids in my essays at uni if you’re just seeing me for the first time hi I’m chimera and i recently completed the cup and i recently completed my master’s degree here in the uk and. I share on my journey as an international student but before we go on i have a community of international students known as the cp community so if you click.
You know what to pack and what not to pack you will get access to um resources like tips on. How to write a cv for the uk job market and most importantly you get access to a telegram post. Where you can meet other international students and hopefully collaborate with someone or make friends and just know that you’re not alone on this journey so once again click. The link in the description box and join the community today alternatively you can follow us on Instagram at the cp community or twitter cp community underscores previously. I showed you guys my results and then i showed you guys. How i was able to achieve that result if you’ve not seen.
Best practices for Essay.
The post makes sure you check the link above and watch. The post This post is part one of two. There will be a part two to this post which is going to be best practices for getting the first class in every essay in uni so make sure you hit. The subscribe button now and turn on post notifications so you don’t miss that post when it comes out enough talking let’s get started [Music] okay so um first thing I’m going to share and i’m going to talk about. Many students struggle in their assignments and want service providers like spss assignment help who help out many students in their assignment writing tasks.
How i get started with my essays so the very first thing. I do before i start writing my essay is to create a reading list and. How do i do this for every course? I take or that i took lecturers gave us what they call recommended reading and the same thing will apply to you if your students in the uk. I go to the recommended written reading material and pick the ones. I feel are very relevant to the assignment and then i read on it i said some because sometimes. The reading recommended reading materials are like 40 articles and i know.
I don’t have the luxury of time to read every single one of them so i pick the ones that are relevant and then i read them then also from this recommended reading the ones. I have selected next thing i do is as I’m reading these articles or these papers or these review papers any other article i noticed that was referenced a lot in that reading material.
I access it like through. The references i copied the reference out and then i find. The document on the internet and then i download it the reason i do this is because. The recommended reading material that your lecturer would give you would not be enough for you to write a reach essay you always have to go beyond the recommended reading material.
Get more sources and references:
I get more sources and also i just do a random search on google to find more documents so, for example, one resource i use a lot is known as google scholar. I’m sure you must have heard of it so i just put google scholar and then. I open it so it’s like an open-access resource that you can use to find different scholarly articles on the internet this assignment i’m writing is on volcanic hazards and risks perception so i just simply put it.
There volcanic hazards and risk risks perception and then the results come out i can say different articles. What i do is i click on the ones i feel are interesting so. I click on this very first one and then it opens up and you can see that it opens up a website known as science direct is also another open-access resource that you can use to find academic articles for your assignment so make sure you check it out and right here you can see. According to what provides the best academic writing services then download the pdf button so once i hit that it opens the file for me and then. I download it but when i’m downloading it i make sure to name it according to a way i can recall it so now when i download this i can see.
The author is drawn out so i’m going to type in Ronald and then i save it as Ronaldo and then. I keep doing that until i find a lot of articles that i feel like i relevant to the assignment and. I create my reading list i put that all together in a folder sometimes i read like 10 11 12 articles for one assignment so i break it down in two days and then.
lot of resources from books:
I read it okay another important resource that you can find journals on is known as PubMed so you can use that also on one other vital thing i must mention is that your university library has a lot of resources for your use you paid for it so you might as well use it even if you’re studying online and you can go to university library physically.
You can get a vpn most universities um university libraries will have a vpn that you can use so you can access all these international journals that you would have to pay for ordinarily you get so for me even though i had to work online for like. The last part of my course i accessed a lot of resources a lot of journals.
I wouldn’t have had access to it without paying by using my university library vpn so make sure you do that if you don’t have it send an email to your uni library and get a VPN okay so once i’ve done that i’ve got all my resources first thing. I do is to open up a google document now.
Techniques assignment:
The reason why we use google docs is that i just want to always have access to my document wherever i am so even if i leave my laptop at home i have access to it i open a new document and then. I name it um should i know? The document i’m working on this is dmt assignment so disaster management techniques assignment then i create an outline so basically.
The basic outline of an essay introduction into an objective literature review discussion and conclusion then i make all of them some section headings now one thing that is important for me to say here is that i structure my essay according to what. I feel will best answer.
There are essays i have written during my time as a student that did not require me to write a literature review and i still had an a in those assignments i just ensure that whatever outline i use is going to you know and critically answer the assignment question so once i do this i begin to gather my thoughts together so basically what this Google document is like notes for my essay process.
Gather notes together:
So i have to gather my notes together when. I see anything under each article that i feel is really round so i just highlight it from that document and then i ctrl c and then i come back to my document and then. I paste it okay so that is what i would continuously do on different documents and.
The one thing is as i’m highlighting if there’s a reference that was a citation in the text i also copied. The citation so that way when i’m working on my citation later on so this is literally what i do. I choose different sections to work on part-time so on i can decide for. For the next three days, I’m just working on my introduction so i literally just keep copying text that i feel is relevant and then from different sources.
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