“Should I shave my head?”is a question that every person is confronted with before they actually pick up the Head Shaver for Men and sport that bald top. Many people suffer from a receding hairline, and needless to say, that is going to do you no favor in the looks department. While there are some who prefer an easy-to-maintain look that’s going to keep you cool in the summertime.
Whatever be your reason for rocking a bald top, there are certain things that you need to consider before you take the plunge. This post has it all. So, let’s start.
Do you really want to give up your hair?
Well, let us first tell you that we are not trying to take you out of shaving your head with a Head Shaver. But, as a word of caution, if you sport an epic mane that girls fall head-over-heels for, then you should definitely think twice before you make up your mind to give that up.
On the other hand, it is also quite possible that you are tired of trying all the textbook tricks to stop your gradual hair loss but in vain. In that case, you should definitely shave your head with a good Head Shaver for Men. No doubt about it.
Do you have the perfect head shape to embrace that bald look?
Hands down, one of the biggest mistakes that a guy can make when shaving his head with a Head Shaver is to not consider his head shape beforehand. You should take note here that not everyone has been blessed with a head shape that is ideal for sporting a bald top.
Men with round head shapes are by far the best candidates for a shaved dome. Should you feel that your head is oddly-shaped or there are weird bumps and divots all over your head, then shaving might not be the best thing for you. Rather, you can choose a different haircut for your receding hairline that will match up with your head shape.
How do you want to be discerned?
Is a badass look your favorite? Then, we have good news for you. Once you pick up a Head Shaver for Menand achieve that bald look, you gain confidence, no doubt about it. Yes, people will feel that you are confident, which is close enough.
On top of that, men who make use of a Head Shaver and sport a bald look are perceived to be more dominant, confident, and masculine, than men with hair. This modern perception of bald men has been certainly helped by famous men like Dwayne” The Rock”, and Jason Statham.
Are you committed enough to maintain your bald dome?
Once you pick up a Head Shaver for Menand shave your head, trips to the barber will soon become a thing of the past. This is arguably one of the best plus points of sporting a bald look. But, that does not mean, in any way, that a hairless head requires zero upkeep.
People having a receding hairline still need to shave their head with a Head Shaver as it grows back in the form of irritating stubble. Be sure to procure a good Head Shaver for Men, preferably a razor that is recommended for sensitive skin. In this way, you can stay away from the irritating razor burns all over your scalp.
Are you geared up to take care of the scalp on your head?
When it comes to taking care of a freshly-scorn scalp, it is actually more work than it might seem. Once you embrace a hairless head, you need to level up your scalp care regime as that will help you in taking care of that sexy bald dome of yours.
One of the most powerful bald head care tips here is to apply sunscreen all over your scalp on a regular basis, and yes, without exceptions. This helps in the prevention of liver spots on your scalp. Also, after you are done shaving your head with a Head Shaver, we suggest you to apply a daily moisturizer with SPF, as that helps in reducing the risk of skin cancer to a great extent.
Final Take:
Honestly speaking, if you are shaving your head for the first time with a Head Shaver, it can be incredibly scary. Hair is all you have ever known, and now you are going to experience the exact opposite side of it, i.e., a bald top.
Therefore, it goes without saying that you should think through your decision carefully. Once you keep the aforementioned considerations in your mind, you can hopefully feel a little more confident in your decision to pick up a Head Shaver for Men and achieve a bald top.
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